Escultores del Aire


Shows Pictures


  • Antibodies

  • Plató Physical Theatre

  • The Miners

  • Cirque du Soleil

  • The Alchemy of the body

  • SHOCK!

  • The Kid Next to Me

  • A Train to Broadway


Digital Press

Press Releases

  • La verdad

    The set up ends in the heart

  • Impacto Latino

    This is the gestural theater of Mai Rojas.

  • Santander

    Mai Rojas stars in Summer Nights.

  • La Vanguardia

    When the text is written with the body.

  • El Periódico

    Entre tres, s’estima millor.

  • El Diario

    Mai Rojas stars this week on summer nights.

TV Press

  • TV3

  • TVE1

  • BETEVé

  • BCN TV

  • ANTENA 3